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Trip Reports on the Arizona Trail

The Arizona Trail is organized into 43 passages covering more than 800 miles from the Mexico border to the Utah border. The passages are numbered from south to north. The Arizona Trailblazers Hiking Club has hiked on 23 passages of the trail, some on different parts of a passage. For Arizona Trail hikes we’ve done more than once (e.g. Oak Spring Canyon in Pine), only the most recent report is listed. Please note that the AZT passages are being moved off roads and other trail maintance, so a current hike may be different than described.

All of the passages are described and mapped in Nelson, Matthew J., Arizona National Scenic Trail, Wilderness Press, Birmingham, AL, 2014. Various parts of the Arizona Trail are described in many other hiking guidebooks.

Some of the passages have been renumbered. We’ll use the numbers in place at the time of the most recent hike.

To learn more, visit the Arizona Trail Association.

passage trip report leader latest
5 Gardner Canyon Scott Green December 22, 2013
8 Cienega Creek Scott Green December 21, 2013
11 Mt. Lemmon Li Li August 26, 2023
12 Arizona Trail 12 & 13 David French October 12, 2019
13 Arizona Trail 12 & 13 David French October 12, 2019
16 Gila River Canyons Michael Humphrey March 25 - 26, 2023
17 AZ Trail at Picketpost Tamar Gottfried November 25, 2023
18 Whitford Canyon Ted Tenny November 3, 2012
18 Reavis Trail Canyon Ted Tenny December 4, 2010
19 Reavis Ranch Backpack Michael Humphrey May 18-20, 2007
19 Cottonwood Canyon David French March 2, 2019
20 Vineyard Trail Bill Zimmermann January 3, 2015
21 Boulder Bob Bill Zimmermann October 22, 2011
22 Mazatzal Foothills Bill Zimmermann May 14, 2011
22 Saddle Mountain Tamar Gottfried October 7, 2023
22 Story Mine Bill Zimmermann May 5, 2011
22 Thicket Spring Loop Bill Zimmermann April 16, 2011
25 White Rock Mesa Dave French November 17, 2018
26 Oak Spring Canyon Chuck Parsons October 25, 2014
27 Pine-Geronimo Ted Tenny October 27, 2012
27 Highline Trail Dave French May 19, 2018
27 Col. Devin Trail Chris Everett August 7, 2021
28 East Clear Creek Bill Zimmermann August 21, 2010
28 AZT 28 Gooseberry Dave French June 23, 2018
28 AZT 28 Maintenance Dave French October 20, 2018
28 AZT 28 Happy Jack Dave French October 10, 2020
29 Jack’s Canyon Eileen Root September 9, 2010
29 Gooseberry Springs Jim Buyens July 7, 2018
30 Navajo Springs Dave French July 16, 2016
30 Mineral Belt Jim Buyens June 10, 2017
30 Horse Lake Jim Buyens July 5, 2014
31 Sandy’s Canyon Dave French August 23, 2014
31 Walnut Canyon Dave French June 27, 2015
32 AZT 31 32 Dave French July 15, 2017
32 Little Elden Loop Dave French September 23, 2017
33 Buffalo Park Michael Humphrey July 20, 2024
33 Schultz Creek Loop Gabe McConnell June 17, 2017
34 Aspen to Shultz Dave French September 17, 2016
34 Bismark Lake John Siefert August 6, 2016
34 Bismark Lake Michelle Jelsma August 24, 2019
34 AZT 34 north end Dave French August 26, 2017
37 50th AZT celebration Dave French October 6, 2018
38 Grand Canyon Backpack Chuck Parsons October 15-19, 2004
38 Rim to Rim Backpack Chuck Parsons October 5-10, 2001
   Arizona Trailblazers updated Febuary 16, 2024