Driving distance from Phoenix is 270 miles (4 1/2 hours –
about the same as it takes to get to the South Rim of the
Grand Canyon!).
Group campsite has Chemical toilets, tables & fireplaces;
no water or showers. Tent camping only; no RVs. No pets.
Activities will include day hikes, boulder climbing, photography,
wildflowers and stargazing (Comet Hale-Bopp is expected to be a
spectacular sight in the evening sky).
Cost is
$5 per car park entrance fee, plus about $4 per person camping fee.
Group size is limited to 20 people and 5 cars, so sign up early
(car pooling is strongly suggested).
- Best Time of Year to Hike: Spring
- Difficulty: Easy - Moderate
Trip Report :
April 4-6, 1997
11 miles one way, 6300 foot elevation gain to the 14,495
foot summit. Camp at 6 mile mark, 12,000 feet, both on the
way up and down. Permits are extremely difficult to obtain.
There are currently no extra overnight permits. However, I
still have five 1-day permits (midnight to midnight) for
Friday July 24. If you would like to hike in with us the
first day and then back out that afternoon, or if you think
you can do the whole 22 miles in one day, please contact
Jeff Cook ASAP.
Moderate exposure. Extremely strenuous; moderate risk of
altitude sickness, though the camp out at 12k should
minimize the risk.
John Perry's page to see a description of his hike. - OR -
Take a Whitney photo hike. Hike to the top without the blisters!
- Best Time of Year to Hike: Summer
- Difficulty: Tough
Trip Report :
July 23-26, 1998
Trip Report :
July 23-24, 1999