Arizona Trailblazers Hiking Club
Verde Vista Loop
when February 22, 2025 Saturday
where Camp Verde
the hike     Join me on this hike at the top of a ridge offering views of Camp Verde and the Verde River. It is over an 830-foot climb to the top of the ridge but getting there is more difficult than it looks. The trail was completed in 2021 at the same time as the adjoining Campe Verde Sports Complex. It crosses into the Coconino National Forest east of the Verde River and Beaver Creek. The route departs from the easy-rated, Perimeter Loop that circle the Sports Complex with a level gravel surface the is welcoming to hikers and dog walkers. The loop begins with a walk through open and grassy slopes ascending onto a dirt track. Mountains views stand out as the path winds through yucca and a sea of creosote shrubs. The route moves towards buff-colored cliffs and a large mesa-like mound to the northeast, exposing views of the Verde River to the west. After passing into the Coconino National Forest, the trail meets a sign warning equestrians that the conditions ahead can be dangerous for horse travel.
    Hikers should also heed warning because the trail ascends rapidly with abrupt twists, loose rock and close to the edge traverses on a base of crumbling limestone. The trail’s high point is on the White Hills Narrows that exposes expanding mountain and valley panoramas and offer as a reward for scrambling over chalky ledges. While easier than the ascent, the descent has its challenges due to erosion damage that makes footing difficult but does offer views of cliffs sweeping over ridgetop flatlands. A spiral of switchbacks leads hikers back into a sea of creosote bushes eventually intersecting the Champion Trail Road.
    Pace: Moderate.
Solid hiking boots are highly recommended in addition to layered clothing (the trail can become windy), a broad brimmed hat (shade is limited), 2.0 liters of water, and rain gear.
distance 9 miles
time 5 hours
EC +-900' elevation change
elevations 3100' (trailhead) to 3,700' (ridge)
rating "B"     Rate yourself as a hiker.
dogs allowed no
cost Sharing gas expenses with the driver.
The club also allows voluntary contributions of $5 per non-member.
weather Camp Verde
leader       Email the leader to confirm. Please include your cell number, in case we need to contact you the day of the hike.
meet 8:00 AM in the McDonald’s carefree off I -17 at 3140 W Carefree Hwy, Phoenix, AZ 85086.
drive Head north on I-17, get off at Exit 285 at the General Crook Trail exit. Head east on General Crook Road until it intersects State Route 260 and make a right turn. Head approximately 4 miles north on State Route 260 to Champion Trail Road apx. ½ miles beyond the ranger station, make a left turn, go by the equestrian center (on your right), and continue heading left to a parking lot with a trail map and a bench. No bathrooms are available.

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