At the trailhead. [photo by Vicky]
Glen, Susan, Li, Tom, Vicky, Greg |
After introductions and a brief group photo, eight eager hikers started out at 9:30 AM
at the Bell Trail parking lot, where they faced cloudy skies and imposing vertical cliffs
of White Mesa.
White Mesa is composed of layers of red sandstone, buff-colored sediments, and a
cap of dark volcanic stone. The White Mesa Trail Head intersected the Bell Trail after
a 1.7 mile walk with a trail sign on the left (west). Hikers began scrambling on volcanic
rock up a steep incline up a dirt cattle track that was once used to access mid-20th
century ranch operations.
Wilderness sign is mostly there. [photo by Li]
Woolley Worm. [photo by Li]
The red earth. [photo by Vicky]
The trail was a dirt cattle track. [photo by Vicky]
Aerobic capacity was required to pass through this rough-cut course that went
through cacti, rockfalls, and the occasional mesquite tree clinging to steep slopes.
Calories were also burned as hikers engaged in hand-over-foot maneuvering to get
through a rock jam.
We made it to the White Mesa Trail sign. [photo by Vicky]
Hikers engaged in hand-over-foot maneuvering to get
through a rock jam. [photo by Vicky]
Cactus makes perfect. [photo by Li]
A twisty tree. [photo by Vicky]
At 3 miles from the trailhead, the path met a barbed-wire fence that was the official
end of the trail. However, to enjoy the full experience of this hike, hikers passed
through a gate and continued up a well-worn path that in its heyday was used by
The hikers stopped for lunch on the mesa, that was lined with tall grass and small
juniper trees revealing excellent vistas. Four of the hikers continued on unmarked
trails that had remnant of worn cattle paths to a crest, where excellent view of Casner
Canyon could be viewed, in addition to the Bradshaw Mountains that appeared in the
distant southwest.
Onward and upward. [photo by Vicky]
We made it this far. [photo by Li]
front: |
Tom, Li, Greg |
back: |
Susan, Glen, Jill, Les |
What a rugged climb! [photo by Li]
This looks like a good place to stop for lunch. [photo by Vicky]
Greg, king of the mountain. [photo by Vicky]
It was at this point that the four hikers turned around and made it back to the cars
parked at the Bell Trail parking lot in approximately 1.5 hours. The group was unable
to eat dinner at Moscato Ristorante Italiano, because reservations were required due
to large crowds that were present for a wine tasting festival, but they instead, ate
Mexican food at La Casita.
Li celebrates making it to the top. [photo by Vicky]
Green leaves. [photo by Vicky]
Globemallow. [photos by Li]
The view from the top. [photo by Vicky]
7.6 miles, elevation range 3,828' to 5,025', time 4 hours 10 minutes.
Car Pooler Miles: 82 for Tom Simonick, Jill Cross, and Greg Smith.
→ More pictures, by
Li. → More pictures, by