Red rocks and blue sky cheer us along the way.
Thirteen optimistic hikers met at the designated meeting place and left
for Sedona promptly at 7:15.
An additional hiker joined the group up at the Bell Trailhead and we were
on the trail shortly before 9:00 AM.
Mary, Joe, Ted, Bob, Anne, Barry, Doug, Michael, Sheila, Jon,
Rebecca, Aaron, and Eileen, set out with Debbie, our hike leader.
The Wet Beaver Creek hike is easy with a well defined trail and very
little elevation change.
The day was picture perfect with vivid blue skies and scattered white clouds.
The hike was a delight to the senses: as we hiked along Beaver Creek,
we were rewarded with views of scattered prickly pear set against the
red rocks which Sedona is famous for. Some of the more interesting shapes
among the red rock led to some speculation about how such unique formations
occur: it was suggested that one such formation was surely Big Foot’s